Hal Terbaik di 2018
Hal baik, event, pengalaman and orang yang saya temukan, pelajari, ketemu, dan lain dain di 2018. List ini tidak dibuat dengan ordering, dan tidak semua hal adalah hal yang baru.
Artikel Menarik
- Everything easy is hard again oleh Frank Chimero. Artikel ini terasa pas sekali dan mengena setelah saya mencoba coding kembali setelah berbulan bulan hiatus.
- Why I don’t use my real photo by Julia Enthoven. Walaupun saya mencoba positive untuk segala macam hal. Saya harus mengakui bahwa men can be utter pig.
Great Podcast Listen
- 13: Joey Coleman | How to Ensure Lifelong Loyalty – Jordan Harbinger by Jordan Harbinger. On how to treat your customer.
- Podcast #387: Think Like a Poker Player to Make Better Decisions | The Art of Manliness. A podcast about decision making and how to be more compassion – or less arrogant.
Favorite non-fiction books
Favorite fiction books read
- Sum by David Eagleman
Amazing product that I use or encountered
- Beautiful AI. An app that help you to create amazing presentation without too much work.
- http://www.bear-writer.com/. A note taking app that now replace Evernote, IA Writer, and Ulysses.
Number of product study published
- –
Number of article written
- 11
Things that I learn
- Mencoba memasak. Gagal total.
Favorite musicians/album discovered
- Melodrama – Lorde.
- Monumental Valley.
Interesting games played
- Horizon Zero Dawn.
Interesting people I meet with
- Jun dari Accelbyte.
- Iwan Malik. PM mentee di Binar. Its amazing how person at his age still has the ability to learn.
- Andrei from Gameloft.
Favorite TV series
- Lost.
Favorite eatery place
- https://www.instagram.com/ikanbakarkatombo/?hl=id. Ridiculously delicious fish.
Rekor Lari
- Jarak Total : 293 km
- Langkah Total : 2.364.213 langkah
- 5km tercepat : 33 menit
- 10km tercepat : 1 jam 11 menit
- Jarak terjauh : 10,5 km
Hal Baru Yang Saya Lakukan
- Jadi mentor di Binar Academy. Menyenangkan.
- Lari 10k race di Adi Sutjipto. Rute larinya bagus sekali. Saya akan datang lagi tahun depan.
- Mencoba bangun 4.30AM every morning. Total bangun pagi : 39 times.
Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash