questions 🙋
🥊 How you can constantly identify and weed out busy work?
Seeing and develop a companies that grow from 13 person to 200 person. I understand how hard it is to be caught in the loop of real work that later turn into busy work – that doesn’t add real value. Sometimes there are some report that come into my inbox, and just passing through. No action, no todo, just passing by. I still need it that report as I understand the context of why that particular report created, but my guess is that there are 25-45% report or work out there that actually can be eliminated without us losing value.
⌨️ Why do the typography in notary or legal court try to mimic the ancient typewriter mode?
All of the legal document that I see in notary or court record in Indonesia is typed and printed using a monospace font. They try to mimic what we used to have in the old days when we still use analog typewriter. This tradition is being kept even when the technology and typeface setting now in digital world already allow us to produce a much better legible document. From functional point of view, this doesn’t make any sense for me.
👻 How to cultivate the concept of fearless to Zen and Zia?
A courage to do things that you think right and not worrying about what people or society says is a very nice mental model to have. Unfortunately, this is not a model that school will teach to my kids – which is natural as the goal of school is to keep things in order and teach people to work together. But since this type of fearlessness (or awareness) will allow you to life like a true royalty, like a king, or queen, I really want to teach it to my kids. It’s a marvelous feeling to have! Is there any kind of routine or things that I can do to help them to do this?
✅ Who has the first todo list in history?
Historically, when we start to decided that our brain is not a good location to keep the things that we need to do during the day, and decided to hire paper or other means of written things to store it?
🥄 Is default share would be a good idea?
Most of the information that you consume, read, work, write, store, save, has a default as private. What you do later then to process that information and cherry pick which one do you want to share into a certain people or group. What if instead of default private, the way all that information processing would be DEFAULT SHARE. Photo that you take today would automatically shared within one week (unless you later specifically filter it out). So Instead of curating things that you would publish, you curate things that you want to keep private. This is a radical expriment of course, and one that not for the meek, but the current technology and automation already allowed us to do this, and I curious on how it would look like to run this kind of experiment with someone.
🧠 How to know which one is me?
Is it possible to have a true self. Now with the deluge of media that we have, it’s super hard to separate between what come to you as your own, and what come to you from another people idea and thinking.
🤔 Why there is an obese doctor?
Something that I can’t understand yet is why there is an obese doctor out there? It’s akin to see a car mechanic who don’t take care his own car. Doctor spend years in medical school, and decades teaching healthy life style – knowledge & motivation is not an issue. And since become doctor is a helluva difficult things to do, I doubt that this is a “will power” issue as well.
🪲 Why we hate insect?
It’s really baffled me the hate that insects get from human. Most of us despise insect and even use it as a deragotary term. Insect!! Why do we have this common hatred to this small animal? Is this come from movie and media? Or we have a primal knowledge there that we inherit from our ancestor where most of them has a bad experience with insect?
☕️ Why it's hard to find a cafe that open early in the morning?
It’s bloody difficult to find any decent cafe that open before 8 AM in Yogyakarta. What is going on here? Is this means that coffee as fuel for the working class is not the main driver of cafe explosions in Yogyakarta? Is it byproduct of social media culture where cafe focus is in it’s outlook rather than it’s product? This is something that puzzle and frustate me to no end. I want a good double shoot flat white in the morning. How difficult is that?
ideas 💡
✅ To be relaxed with inbox. Imagine you are a librarian.
One thing that you can do to be kind to yourself and be more relaxed about your todo list queue is to imagine that you are a great librarian. You greet each of your customer, ensure that his/her needs fulfilled well. But when it’s 5PM, you respectfully greet everyone. Apologize for those that not yet you able to serve. But back home anyway without guilt, as you know that you can still help them the next day.
💵 A gift card, but contain money for lebaran.
In the future, as we transition away from physical money to digital one. It would be really cool if I can digitally pull the money that I have in bank (say Rp100,000), make a digital gift card from it (with expiration date), imbue the card with the things that kids might like (says collectible pokemon series as in nft form), print it, and then gift it to my niece.
🎡 A theme park that allow you to experience season
A theme park where you have 5-12 range of house from different countries (Igloo, Farmhouse, Joglo, Honai, etc), and then setup each house to have the similar weather with it’s origin (freezing cold if it’s Iglo, hot and humid if it’s Honai), play an ambience sound contain people converse in it’s original countries, put some LCD or display about the culture of each countries. And have a way to digitally put clothes that matched with that countries culture ala instagram filter.
⌛️ If 15 is too short, 30 is boring and 60 just too much, try 23.
If you have a meeting or a rite that you did regularly, one of the best thing that you can do to make it more fun and have a little bit zest in it is to set it up so that it would start at a really odd hour (say 8.33 in the morning) and end in strange time as well (end 23 minutes later). It help to curve the thing away and make it ring better (“8.23 meeting” sounds way better than “daily scrum”).
🥰 My 25 angry with my 20 while my 35 beaming proudly at him.
The next time you kicking yourself for your flaw or mistake, try to picture you 10 years ago and see what you think of him/her now. I bet you will have a higher opinion of him/her, compared to your opinion of your now self. This is a good reminder that you need to try to keep play the long game, not only in business, but also in accepting yourself.
🙄 Yeah, we need online course for director
A month before I sign the notary document to become SoftwareSeni, I’m scouring internet for any potential training in Indonesia that would prepare me (based on Indonesia law and compliance) in become Director. I found none, nada, zip, zilch. This is actually a perfect opportunity for any law firm out there to build an online training course for anyone who prepareing to be Director in Indonesia. You can create like the basic version of the training, and also offer more one on one consultation as premium.kk
📝 Reading and taking note as a class in Elementary School
I only learn to have a good strategy for reading and taking notes in my 30s. And I’m lucky to have a professional train me to do that. I think it would be fantastic to have it much earlier.
🕋 Unsplash for major landmark in Indonesia
Sometimes I have a hard time to look for a decent photo for says Kaliurang Yogyakarta. It would be nice if there is unsplash for major landmark or attraction in Indonesia.
🧰 Toolbox for CEO / CTO in Indonesia Startup Scene
Interview all the CEO and CTO who managed to launch startup with who successfully find a product market fit in Indonesia. Finding the toolbox that they have, their favorite media comsumption, their thought on product, their daily live, ala Tim Ferriss interview. But for Indonesia.
🃏 The Master of Prank
A website or book dedicated to be one stop space for prank. It telling a historical story around prank, the list of prank divided by type (is it safe for work or not, is it cheap or expensive, approximate time needed), and provide training course for those who wants to take their prank level into the next level.
🗿 A bot that help you hunt rare things in marketplace such as Tokopedia.
Time to time, sometimes you are looking a really rare things that is not available yet in Tokopedia. As example, Oura Ring. Instead of having to open the platform everyday, and look for it, you can hire a bot instead that will crawl Tokopedia daily, and give you notification if they find things that matched what you are looking for.
🔥 A checklist of "You'll be disappointed because you didn't do this before and during the project".
Taking the experience that I have as both client and vendor, there are some stuff that I wish I did before and during the project. It’s’ going to be great if there are some checklist generator that would guide me and have two section checklist. The first is more general stuff such as communication and process, and the second section is more into specific checklist (house build project and website build project would have different checklist). Each list within the checklist would have an example/anectode/story about disappointment that happened because someone didn’t do it.