Oof, this sentence… “Typeface is the clothes words wear. The better the tailoring, the sharper the message.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Element of Typographic Style
Robert Bringhurst
Oof, this sentence… Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.
The Complete Poems of Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman
Oof, this sentence… “Design isn’t about making things look good, it’s about making them work well.”
Refactoring UI
Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger
Oof, this sentence… “Today top companies are looking for business-minded designers who are not just focused on visuals.”
Solving Product Design Exercies
Artiom Dashinsky
Oof, this sentence… “Good design is actually a lot harder to notice than poor design, because good design fits our needs so well that the design is invisible.”